Bedaux developers and facilitators for learning by doing: generate energy, encourage teamwork, the tool for new thinking!

f you want to get acquainted with the power of Bedaux Serious Games , we are happy to organize an "in-company clinic". If you have at least 12 participants for minimum of a half day (morning, afternoon or evening), we will come to your premises. We only will charge you a modest amount for our time, travel and accommodation expenses. For which you will get, of course, an offer on beforehand.

Why a game?
  • * A game offers the opportunity to experiment in a creative way with processes, concepts and tools. Because the players have a decisive influence on the outcome of the game, they are encouraged to break through boundaries. This creates ownership and responsibility. And the dare to try something new.
  • * A game also offers the possibility to bring together people who do not work together on a daily basis, and thereby give them more insight into and understanding for each other's expertise.
  • * The positive energy that is generated by a game will give participants the power to bring to life in their own practice the insights that they have gained during the game.